Hey there!
Just a quick heads up on how we handle your personal info at raunakhajela.com.
I promise to keep it short, sweet, and to the point – no complicated legalese here!
I totally respect your privacy.
That’s why I don’t share your personal information with anyone.
Seriously, no third parties are getting their hands on your data.
The only info I collect is what you willingly share with me.
So, if you sign up for my newsletter or submit any contact form, I’ll have your email address.
That’s it. No creepy data mining going on here.
I do use cookies – not the chocolate chip kind, unfortunately – but the ones that help me understand how you use my website.
This helps me optimize content and give you a better experience.
If you’re not into that, feel free to turn off cookies in your browser settings anytime.
I’m not responsible for any of my content that gets republished on other websites without my permission. Just putting that out there.
I might tweak this privacy policy now and then.
If I do, I won’t be sending out a mass email because, well, I’m not collecting data that lets me do that.
But don’t worry, I’m not planning anything drastic.
If you’ve got any questions, you can always schedule a meeting with me here. I’m just a click away!